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“female delusion calculator”


The Female Delusion Calculator is a website that claims to calculate the chances of a woman finding a man who meets her dating preferences. The calculator asks women to input their age, race, income, height, and marital status, and then it generates a score that indicates how likely they are to meet a man who meets all of their criteria.

The calculator was created by a man named Brett Cooper, who is a self-described “dating expert.” Cooper claims that the calculator is based on data from the US Census Bureau and other sources. However, the accuracy of the calculator has been disputed by some experts.

The Female Delusion Calculator has been criticized for being sexist and misogynistic. Some people have argued that the calculator is based on harmful stereotypes about women and their dating preferences. Others have said that the calculator is simply a way for Cooper to promote his own views on dating and relationships.

Despite the criticism, the Female Delusion Calculator has been popular with some people. The website has received millions of visitors, and it has been featured in several news articles and blogs.

How the Calculator Works

The Female Delusion Calculator works by first asking women to input their age, race, income, height, and marital status. The calculator then uses this information to calculate a score that indicates how likely they are to meet a man who meets all of their criteria.

The calculator’s scoring system is not publicly available, so it is difficult to say exactly how it works. However, it is likely that the calculator takes into account factors such as the number of men who meet the woman’s criteria, the woman’s own attractiveness, and the woman’s willingness to compromise on her preferences.

The Accuracy of the Calculator

The accuracy of the Female Delusion Calculator has been disputed by some experts. Some people have argued that the calculator is based on outdated data and that it does not take into account the changing demographics of the United States. Others have said that the calculator is simply a way for Cooper to promote his own views on dating and relationships.

In a 2022 study by the Pew Research Center, it was found that the majority of single women in the United States are open to dating men who are shorter than them, have lower income, or are of a different race. This suggests that the Female Delusion Calculator may be inaccurate in its assessment of women’s dating preferences.

The Criticism of the Calculator

The Female Delusion Calculator has been criticized for being sexist and misogynistic. Some people have argued that the calculator is based on harmful stereotypes about women and their dating preferences. Others have said that the calculator is simply a way for Cooper to promote his own views on dating and relationships.

In a 2023 article for The Atlantic, writer Amanda Hess argued that the Female Delusion Calculator is “a tool of misogyny” that “reinforces the idea that women are shallow and unrealistic in their dating expectations.” Hess also argued that the calculator “normalizes the idea that women should be judged for their appearance and their financial status.”

The Female Delusion Calculator has also been criticized for being harmful to women’s self-esteem. Some women who have used the calculator have said that it made them feel bad about themselves and their dating prospects.


What is the Female Delusion Calculator?

The Female Delusion Calculator is a website that claims to calculate the chances of a woman finding a man who meets her dating preferences. The calculator asks women to input their age, race, income, height, and marital status, and then it generates a score that indicates how likely they are to meet a man who meets all of their criteria.

Who created the Female Delusion Calculator?

The Female Delusion Calculator was created by a man named Brett Cooper. Cooper is a self-described “dating expert” and the author of several books on dating and relationships.

How does the Female Delusion Calculator work?

The Female Delusion Calculator works by first asking women to input their age, race, income, height, and marital status. The calculator then uses this information to calculate a score that indicates how likely they are to meet a man who meets all of their criteria.

The calculator’s scoring system is not publicly available, so it is difficult to say exactly how it works. However, it is likely that the calculator takes into account factors such as the number of men who meet the woman’s criteria, the woman’s own attractiveness, and the woman’s willingness to compromise on her preferences.

Is the Female Delusion Calculator accurate?

The accuracy of the Female Delusion Calculator has been disputed by some experts. Some people have argued that the calculator is based on outdated data and that it does not take into account the changing demographics of the United States. Others have said that the calculator is simply a way for Cooper to promote his own views on dating and relationships.

Is the Female Delusion Calculator sexist?

The Female Delusion Calculator has been criticized for being sexist and misogynistic. Some people have argued that the calculator is based on harmful stereotypes about women and their dating preferences. Others have said that the calculator is simply a way for Cooper to promote his own views on dating and relationships.

Is the Female Delusion Calculator harmful?

The Female Delusion Calculator has been criticized for being harmful to women’s self-esteem. Some women who have used the calculator have said that it made them feel bad about themselves and their dating prospects.


The Female Delusion Calculator is a controversial website that has been criticized for being sexist and misogynistic. The accuracy of the calculator has also been disputed. Whether or not you agree with the calculator’s methodology, it is important to be aware of its potential impact on women’s self-esteem. If you are considering using the calculator, I encourage you to do your own research and make an informed decision.