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Netflix Error Code NW-2-5: What is it, and How to Fix?

The Netflix error code NW-2-5 denotes a network connectivity issue, implying that your device is unable to connect to the Netflix service. This problem can affect any Netflix-enabled device, including smart TVs, streaming devices, game consoles, and desktop computers.

It’s a reasonably frequent but difficult issue to detect and handle, but if you read our post and follow the appropriate procedures, you can typically resolve it on your own.

What is Netflix Error Code NW-2-5?

While the text of the error code varies depending on the streaming device, the Netflix code NW-2-5 indicates that your device is not connected to the internet or that anything such as a firewall, parental restrictions, or proxy is preventing you from connecting to Netflix. 

What is Netflix Code NW-2-5?

If the error code NW-2-5 occurs, it may indicate that Netflix and your device are experiencing network issues. This problem may also result in the following error message:

“An error has occurred on Netflix.” In [X] seconds, I’ll try again. NW-2 5″

What are the Causes of Netflix Error NW-2-5

Similarly, the source of your internet connection may have an impact on your Netflix experience. You may see an error message if your internet service provider (ISP) is experiencing problems or if you have a broken router or modem.

However the netflix error number can appear on nearly any device that has a Netflix app installed, including gaming consoles, streaming devices like Roku, Blu-ray players, and smart televisions.

What are the Causes of Netflix Error NW-2-5

The NW-2-5 error code may also appear if your streaming device is experiencing issues that are affecting its performance or compatibility with Netflix, such as an outdated app or program, damaged cache or data, or inadequate memory.

How do I resolve Netflix error code nw-2-5?

Here are some workarounds for netflix error code nw-2-5 how to fix:  

To begin, on the error screen, select Try Again. This may sometimes resolve the issue and allow you to resume streaming.

If it doesn’t work, try the following steps to remove the code:

1. Restart your system

It’s possible that your Netflix app has crashed, and turning your streaming device off and on should restore service. It may also be beneficial to unplug your gadget from a power source before turning it back on.

If the problem code continues, you can try reinstalling the Netflix app or, if appropriate, cleaning its cache and data.

2. Inspect Your Internet Connection

If rebooting your device does not solve the problem, the next step is to verify your internet connection.

If your internet bandwidth is slower than it should be for streaming, switch to a faster network or contact your internet service provider. Additionally, run an internet speed test or use a VPN that supports Netflix streaming to ensure that you are not running out of data bandwidth or that your ISP is not restricting your network.

Turn off your router and wait a few seconds before reconnecting to your device. Then, if they are too far apart or there are obstacles, move your router closer to the streaming device.

3. Confirm that you can use Netflix on your network

Some venues, such as schools and cafés, limit video access, which will prevent you from watching Netflix on your streaming device due to the needed bandwidth.

If you are using public Wi-Fi, make sure that services like Netflix are not restricted. You might need to speak with the administrator or switch to a private network.

4. Examine Your Streaming Device’s Network Configuration Settings

Examine your streaming device settings to ensure that they are not obstructing or diverting internet communication between your device and the Netflix servers. 

5. Check your DNS settings

If you broadcast on gaming consoles such as PlayStation and Xbox, you should check and double-check your domain name service (DNS) settings to ensure they are set to default or automatic. Even better, use a public DNS server like Google DNS. 

Is it simple to remove Netflix Error Code NW-2-5?

You must skip this step if you are unable to examine your device’s DNS settings.

Improved internet connection

Most Netflix error codes may be resolved by turning your device on and off or verifying your network connection to determine whether your device is connected. You might also restart your home network.

Contact your internet service provider

If none of these solutions work, you must contact your internet service provider. You may also contact Netflix customer service for further assistance.

Bypass Your Router

You should use an Ethernet cable to connect to a wireless router that is linked to the modem. If you can connect to Netflix this way, it is evident that the router is the source of the Netflix problem nw-2-5. Here’s how you do it.

Step 1: Turn off the device you are currently using.

Step 2: Connect the device to the modem using an Ethernet connection.

Step 3: Disconnect the modem for at least 30 seconds before reconnecting it.

Step 4: Restart the device and try to access Netflix once more.

Check to see NW-2-5 error if your internet connection supports streaming

In some parts of the world, internet service providers may intentionally try to limit or prevent you from streaming from Netflix and its rivals, resulting in the NW-2-5 error notice.

This is most common in places where the ISP network is underutilized, overcrowded, or lacks the bandwidth capacity to accommodate numerous users streaming at the same time. It can also happen on some connections, such as mobile data connections, where available bandwidth is restricted. 

How to Repair Netflix Code NW-2-5 on PlayStation 4?

DNS settings on the PS4 must be appropriately established and checked. If this is not secured, you may have issues, and Netflix may cease to function. One of these is the NW-2-5 mistake. You can specifically check these settings to eliminate this problem.

Use the following procedures to verify DNS settings in order to resolve the Netflix NW-2-5 PS4 error:

  • Open your console’s menu.
  • Enter the “PlayStation 4 Settings” menu.
  • Then select “Network.”
  • Now, select “Set up Internet Connection.”
  • You will be asked to choose a connection. 
  • Select “Custom” if you choose “Use Wi-Fi.”
  • Then you may connect to the appropriate Wi-Fi network.
  • If the “Use a LAN Cable” option is chosen, hit “Custom.”
  • Following that, select “Operation Mode.”
  • Later, choose “IP Address Settings.”
  • Select “Automatic” from the drop-down menu.
  • Select “DHCP Host.” 
  • Make sure you choose “Don’t Specify.”
  • Continue by selecting “DNS Settings.” 
  • Following that, select the “Automatic” option.
  • Select “Proxy Server” and then “Don’t Use.”
  • Look for the phrase “MTU Settings.” 
  • Under this, you must select “Automatic.”
  • It is necessary to pick the “Test Connection” option.
  • The DNS settings will now be validated.
  • Finally, launch “Netflix” on “PS4” to see if the repair was successful.

What is the Roku Fix for Netflix Code NW-2-5?

When the device has flaws, a user may encounter the Netflix code NW-2-5 Roku error. Alternatively, network problems may persist. Both issues may be eliminated by restarting the Roku software. As a result, this code may no longer appear. Relaunch Netflix after restarting it, and begin streaming.

  • Find the “Home” key on “Roku.”
  • At least five times, press this key.
  • Then hit the “Rewind” key twice.
  • Finally, hit “Fast Forward” twice to reset your “Roku” gadget.

Is it possible to fix the Netflix code NW-2-5 on FireStick?

It is possible to repair the code NW-2-5 on your Amazon FireStick in a simple manner. You must restart this gadget. This has the potential to terminate all currently running apps. Remember that if you do this correctly and then stream Netflix again, the problem is less likely to appear.

  • “Select” “Play/Pause”
  • Keep pressing them for about 5 seconds. 
  • Allow the device to hard reset now.
  • Then launch the video streaming app.
  • The Netflix NW-2-5 Firestick error should be gone.

How Do I Troubleshoot Netflix Code NW-2-5 on Xbox One?

DNS settings are critical in setup. As a result, it is critical to validate them. If you don’t confirm these changes on your Xbox One, network difficulties may remain. When you start Netflix, the device may display problem codes.

To troubleshoot the Netflix NW-2-5 Xbox One issue, perform the following steps:

  • Press the “Xbox” button on the console.
  • Enter the word “guide.”
  • Select “Profile & System.”
  • Then go to “Settings.”
  • Select “General.”
  • After that, click “Network Settings.”
  • After that, select “Advanced Settings.”
  • “DNS Settings” will appear gradually.
  • Select “Automatic” from the drop-down menu.
  • Launch Netflix after you’ve validated the DNS settings. 
  • You should be able to stream it without any problems. NW-2-5.

What Can I Do to Fix the Netflix NW-2-5 Smart TV Error?

The network diagnostic test is the most effective Netflix NW-2-5 smart TV fault cure. Other measurements may vary, depending on the model. Rebooting an LG TV, in particular, might be beneficial. If you encounter the NW-2-5 issue on a Samsung TV, simply restart the streaming platform.

Solution 1: Run Network Diagnostic Tests

Network diagnostic checks are available on select smart TV models that enable Netflix. A user can consult the device’s documentation to see whether this test is supported. It is possible to carry out the same procedure. 

It can help determine the cause of the Netflix NW-2-5 smart TV as well as repair it.

Solution 2: Restart the LG Smart TV

Rebooting LG smart TVs will fix any network issues. When you discover the error number NW-2-5 on the video-streaming platform, use the platform’s buttons to restart it. The procedure may be started and the code prevented in a matter of seconds.

  • The methods below may work on a variety of LG smart TV models.
  • Hold down the “Power” and “Volume Down” keys simultaneously.
  • The “LG” logo will appear.
  • Then you may let go of these buttons.
  • After some time has passed, launch “Netflix” on your television.
  • NW-2-5 is the Netflix code. LG smart TV problems should no longer be displayed.

Solution 3: Reboot your Samsung Smart TV and restart Netflix

If the problem NW-2-5 appears on your Samsung smart TV, you can restart it. All network connection issues should be resolved when you launch Netflix on this device. 

The following are the procedures to resume the streaming service on this TV:

  • Turn off your “Samsung Smart TV” normally.
  • Take out the power supply.
  • Allow the TV to fully charge.
  • After that, you may connect it to electricity.
  • For at least 5 seconds, press and hold the “Power” button.
  • Now, turn on the television.
  • Then restart the streaming app.

Check to see if the Netflix code NW-2-5 Samsung smart TV issue has been resolved. For additional assistance, you can restart the internet service.


Most consumers are irritated when they encounter the Netflix error number NW-2-5. This is virtually always the case, whether you’re watching a fascinating movie or an interesting show. However, keep in mind that this error number generally refers to network problems. As a result, you can more readily pinpoint the root of the problem.


How to fix NW-2-5 error on Netflix? 

  • Check your internet connection.
  • Restart your computer.
  • Reboot your router and modem.
  • Change to a wired connection.
  • Examine your DNS settings.
  • Disable your VPN or proxy.
  • Contact your internet service provider (ISP).

How to fix Netflix network error? 

Follow the steps above to fix the NW-2-5 error.

If you receive a different network error code, look for assistance on the Netflix website or contact Netflix customer service.

How do I resolve Netflix error code NW 2-4? 

Follow the steps above to fix the NW-2-5 error.

  • Error code NW 2 4 is a specific type of network error that can occur on Samsung Smart TVs. If you are experiencing this netflix error code nw-2-5 smart samsung tv, try the following:
  • Remove the TV from the power outlet for 30 seconds before plugging it back in.
  • Reset the TV’s network settings.
  • Update the TV’s firmware.
  • If you continue to receive the error, contact Samsung customer service for assistance.

What is code NW on Netflix? 

Code NW on Netflix refers to network errors. These errors can occur for a variety of reasons, such as a problem with your internet connection, a problem with your modem or router, or a problem with the Netflix service itself.